Mindfulness is conquering children
By Moris Beracha.- Mindfulness is basically to be fully attending to where we are and what we are doing. This practice is not only for adults and can help children at home to be calm, enjoy more their games and increase their concentration when doing their homework.
There are thousands of mindful exercises that can be practiced by children, but they require parents and guardians’ supervision and guide, always explaining the benefits they can bring.
For example, have the child lie down and breathe slowly, making him aware of how the air passes through his nose, lungs and even his belly. Repeat several times and explain that with this technique the child can get away his anger or nervousness.
Another exercise that kids like a lot is going to sleep with a smile. Turning it into a routine will make them rest better. Help them remember a happy moment they lived that day and think about it.
It should be noted that mindful practices for children has been well accepted in the world, and a public school in Baltimore in the United States uses meditation in place of detention.
Students who are disruptive in class are sent to the Mindful Moment Room by their teachers. There they can practice meditation and mindfulness.
Some students spend 15 minutes participating in a school-wide guided meditation session at the start or end of school day.
Mindful benefits in children have been noticed immediately and this can be seen in the reduction of detentions and the constant increase of students’ grade point average.
Mindfulness can provide your children with the necessary tools to deal with their emotions bringing them a great number of benefits for their development as human beings.
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